As the only company that carries the Honda name, Honda Financial Services offers you the rates and flexible terms to buy the boat or motor you want.
Current Offer:
APR & Term: 2.99% for up to 48 months. This rate is one of the rates available using AHFC’s primary retail rate for super preferred tier.
Monthly rate per $1,000 financed:
2.99% APR at $22.13 (for 48 Months)*
3.99% APR at $15.64 (for 72 Months)*
Offer valid through 3/31/25
Eligible on:
Engines – all new, untitled and unregistered Honda outboard engines (2 hp - 350 hp). Used units are not eligible.
For more information about the 2.99% special financing and how you can qualify,
please call 337-364-0360 or visit our location at 2703 Highway 90 E, New Iberia, LA 70560.
Learn more at
*APR financing available on all new Honda outboard engines through American Honda Finance Corporation upon approved credit. 2.99% APR financing for 24 – 48 months, available to customers who qualify for AHFC credit tier 1. Example for new Honda outboard engines: 2.99% APR for 48 months financing at $22.13 a month for every $1,000 financed. 3.99% APR for 72 months financing at $15.64 a month for every $1,000 financed. Offer good on any new and unregistered Honda outboard engine, with a minimum amount financed of $1,000 and a minimum monthly payment of $100. Check with participating dealers for complete details. Dealers set actual sales prices. For well-qualified buyers, not all buyers may qualify. Higher rates apply for different terms and/or buyers with lower credit rating. Lower rates may also be available. Offer valid through March 31, 2025, on new and unregistered Honda outboard engines (2hp – 350hp) and only on approved credit by Honda Financial Services through participating dealers. Honda Financial Services' standard credit criteria apply.